Sunday, May 6, 2007

Adwitee, Blogger !

Hello there.

I don’t quite know how to begin my blog. I haven’t even decided what it’s going to be about. I’m not too bothered about it though. I’m sure the mystery will unravel itself as I go on. For the moment let me just tell you that this seems to be a good moment as any to start one. I’ve just completed my graduation. And I have lots of free time – more than I know what to do with it. And since my 4 year stretch in the hostel has ended I feel that this is the perfect time to start something new. Let the end show the beginning... or something of that sort.

Let me tell you I’m old fashioned when it comes to writing. I love the feel of a pen in my hand. And the rustling sound that paper makes. Music to my ears, that. Writing has always had a cathartic effect on me. So this is sort of an adventure. Strange as it may sound ‘typing’ my thoughts down is like exploring a new realm –I’m more inclined towards penning them down. Stranger still because my future ‘work’ (doesn’t that seem grown up??) involves spending a lot of time in front of the comp screen.

What do you do when you find yourself longing for something that’s gone now but never really attracted you too much when it actually was there? Or you thought it didn’t. That’s how I feel about leaving the place that has been home to me for the past 4 years. The four years that I spent there have been an eye-opener. If it were a course that one took in college it would be named something like “An Introduction to the Inner Mind of Me “. I didn’t want to go in. I never wanted to stick around. I longed for the haven of my bedroom in my house with a novel in my hand and something to chomp on right next to me. I didn’t want to argue about which table or shelve I wanted or when the lights would go out in the room so that one could get a good night’s sleep. I didn’t think Maggi was food and I didn’t think applying a face-pack was an all important task that required a great deal of precision. No. None of that was for me. But you know what ? What I didn’t know was that while I had to deal with a lot of stuff I didn’t want to deal with, these years gave me things that I was better off having. For instance, where else would I have met 100 different types of people and learn to respect each one’s point of view, deciding whom to believe and what to believe? I always thought that getting where you want to is all that mattered. But I did not know how it was to watch people do that and more- at the same time getting the most out of life. I did not know how it felt to lie awake all night talking about dreams and destinations. I did not know how to turn Coffee into a survival tool or how to cook gourmet Fried Rice in a small saucepan. I did not know how much fun it would be having your dinner sitting on a ledge 5 storeys high. And I surely did not know how wonderful it was to hold a friend’s hand while dancing madly in the rain. Now I do. All that and loads more.

I made friends, yes. Made a lot of them, actually. Lost some along the way. But found the best one I’ve ever had. Looking at it another way, I found something I wouldn’t like to let go of. Ever. My interpretation of the word called Freedom. The freedom to mess up as badly as you can and as many times you can and coming out of it yourself with a little advice and help from friends . All the while learning from your experiences. It was a time to broaden my horizons. To learn and experience new things. Not all the moments were pleasant. Nor were all of them unpleasant. And now it’s over and done with. All I’m left with are a whole lot of memories in my store.

That’s all there is … There isn’t any more.

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