Saturday, March 19, 2011


It will be over soon, we’ll soon part ways

So to this momentous time, a toast we raise

To all the memories etched on the canvas of our brains

To all the beauty of the moon, the stars and the rains

To the mist that surrounded us, the sun that chased it away

To the people who made this place home, who in our hearts will stay

As friends, guides who made the journey worthwhile,

Who made it possible to bear it all with a smile

To the baring of the soul, to conversations deep,

The last minute effort to cram, but falling asleep

And to walks down the pathways when the stars shone down

To fights with those who mattered most, the trips to town

The discovery of self, the expression of worth

To a thousand photographs, of which we have no dearth

And to the love that holds us in a circle of trust

It’s hard to say goodbye, but say goodbye we must