Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Of life and love

I have always wanted to post a post with that title. So, as you might have guessed from the subtle nomenclature, I'm going to talk about life and...more particularly, of love. Not that I want this to turn into a mush-fest, but wherever appropriate I shall be alluding to sugar sweet, corny, cheesy, mushy incidents that have led up to me fighting my inherent laziness and typing this out(Oh, and the fact that i got utterly bored of studying after 1.5 hrs of operations management helped too!).. don't tell me I didn't warn you.

When I was a little girl I once found a scrapbook made by my aunt in which she had pasted newspaper cut outs of "Love is.." by Kim Grove. The small notes left in and around the house by a loving wife for her husband, which had turned into an international comic strip in the 60's. Even at the age of 10, I fell in love with the tattered heart shaped book fashioned out of old cardboard and pages which had turned yellow with age....all because they contained vestiges of everyday declarations of the elusive thing called love.

But now I can't help but love a magnificient feeling designed to overwhelm every fibre of your being or is it the small things that make each day just a little more special...?? Is it to be found in the tales of knights and princesses and phenomenal declarations in movie climaxes or is it to be be discovered in our daily lives.. on the way to work...while sitting in the classroom or at the dinner table at night ....??

The world has shifted from the romance of the medieval ages to an age where people measure love with soft toys and diamond jewellery.. but does that stop a hopeless romantic like me from discovering it in the most innoccous places..?? The answer lies in certain observations I made about my friends, family and above all, myself.

So, what according to me, is love ??

Love is....

Waiting breathlessly to see that special someone you haven't seen for days, with a stupid smile on your face that makes you look like an utter imbecile.....
Trying to look good for his sake and making a mess out of your wardrobe because there's nothing good enough to wear...
Walking aimlessly, hand in hand on busy streets on a weekday just to discover a park with a bench under a shady tree made just for the both of you...
Playing rock paper scissors and gloating when you win...
Praying that people hitherto unknown, like you, just because they're part of the "family"...
Being exposed to extreme levels of shoe-shopping and clothes shopping and still tolerating it because of her...
Eating chinese when you really want to have sizzlers because thats her favourite kind of food...
Finishing each other's sentences and smiling smugly at each other- so much so that people around might want to strangle you....
Getting mad over small things and acting up, because the making up is where all the fun is....
Wanting to get the criss-cross book shelf you saw in a movie together....
Making your close friends want to throw up by acting all lovey-dovey....
Pigging out at KFC together & fighting over who gets to eat what...
Laughing out together at the most outrageous of Russell Peter's jokes....
Listening to him go on and on about football and his favourite tennis player even though you'd rather colour your hair blue instead....
Wanting to burn his black t-shirts :P
Sitting in a bookshop side by reading "Life of Audrey Hepburn" and him reading "Soldier", not saying a word to each other but loving the fact that you are there together...
Giving him the last bite of your sandwich/burger/pizza/any other form of food because you are just too full....
Loving the way your hands fit together...
Hating the thought of his going away again....

And my favourite one...from the pages of the original Love is...

"Sunshine after rain..."