Friday, April 24, 2009

In Office

I started this blog when I was at home waiting for my work-life to begin. Now, nearly 2 years later, I return to add something more to it. As it was then, I have nothing else to do right now but wait till I join the B-school which has agreed to let me in much at their own risk. I sit here, in my cubicle, listening to the busy sounds of people working around me, and it makes me feel better that I have decided to put fingers to keyboard again. I plan not to abandon my blog from now on. I plan to write something every couple of days. But, above all I plan not to flake on my own plans :-)

Anyway, I read something interesting today. It's called "The Law Of Two Feet" . It goes something like this

If at any time you find yourself in any situation where you are neither learning nor contributing, use your two feet. Go to some other place where you may learn and contribute."

It sounds pretty simple to do but I asked myself, how often do I do it ? It also occurred to me that if I followed this little piece of wisdom I might actually accomplish something. I might go to bed at night feeling good about things I did that day. Its not like i don't know what I would like to do. There are plenty of things that I keep putting off. Like learning to drive (Properly. Without putting the fear of God Almighty in my fellow drivers), or finally reading the books I borrowed from the Library, or contributing my share in the housework which my mum (in dulcet tones, of course) keeps asking me to do.

I know I can't pull off being holier-than-thou. But I can try to be a little more productive. Like posting to this blog more regularly. Like using the time I have to do something I like. So, now that I have broken my cyberspace silence after so long, expect me not to shut up !

I'm keeping my fingers crossed : -)