Saturday, July 14, 2007

Is there anybody out there ?

This piece is not related to extra terrestrials. Now that we have that thought out of the way, lets see what this actually is about. Nothing in particular. Actually, it is particularly about that feeling of complete helplessness that engulfs you when nothing goes your way. Whatever you do, wherever you turn - there is always something or someone who is one step ahead of you. And those whom you've always trusted to make you feel good, even at a time like this, have stranded you. You are captured by your own thoughts that bind you stronger than the bars of a cell of any self respecting penitentiary. You want to convince yourself that this is just one of those days (or weeks, or eternities) that nothing is meant to go your way. That times like these are necessary to maintain the normal cosmic balance. Not too much happiness , not too much sorrow.
But who listens to you ? Not you, of course. You are the one that listens to that one droning, tireless voice that keeps on telling you that you are not good enough, that however much you try you can never get to where you want to. You are intrinsically flawed. Why do you listen to that voice ? Why does it have the power to influence you ?
Do you have an answer ? Do you have any clue as to why things are the way they are ? Is there any one who can solve this puzzle ?
I'm lost.